On this page you can find helpful articles about solar radiation measurement, heat flux measurement and specials for thermal measurement. We will continuously add new articles about several interesting topics and give insightful information, so make sure to check out this page on a regular basis.
Solar radiation
Application of net radiometers in urban environmental studies How to get the best solar irradiance measurements? How to measure albedo, best practices How to measure net radiation: a practical guide Measuring sunlight: what instrument to use? Pyranometer calibration: everything you need to know Pyranometers: all you need to know Solar energy meters: why use them in measuring solar energy? Solar monitoring: using pyranometers in PV monitoring Solar power monitoring: how to do that? Solar radiation measurement Solar radiation sensors: become a pyranometer expert Solar radiometer vs pyranometer Using solar radiation sensors in building automation research What is a pyrgeometer? What is a thermopile? What is albedo?
Heat flux
12 Frequently Asked Questions about heat flux 5 recent heat flux applications; from smartwatches to mattresses 8 tips to get a more accurate heat flux measurement Heat flux measurement device: sensors & measurements Heat flux measurement techniques: a comprehensive overview Heat flux sensor installation: how to do it? Heat flux sensors and their applications Heat flux sensors: the latest technologies Heat flux transducer: sensors and measurements Heat transfer through a wall and insulation of a wall How to measure heat flux? How to measure heat transfer: separate radiation from convection How to measure heat: temperature versus heat flux Insulation measurement with 2 thermocouples and a heat flux sensor Measuring heat flux in industrial environments What is heat flux? Which heat flux sensor to choose?
Summaries of studies
Comparison irradiation above sea ice of CERES and MOSAiC Correction factor for using shadowed pyranometers Heat flux sensors in industrial furnaces How to measure soil thermal conductivity? Influence of natural and forced convection on heat flux of a wall Method for pyranometer calibration Net radiometers: comparison of 5 different models Radiative heat flux through water droplets Thermal conductivity measurement of snow with heated needle probes Thermal conductivity: modelling Hukseflux TP02 with COMSOL Multiphysics